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The Surprising Way to Burn More Calories While Walking

Hint: It’s not about walking faster.
Published October 17, 2024

If you're looking to burn more calories during your next walk, the secret might be simpler than you think—stop more often!

A recent study suggests taking short breaks while walking can help you burn significantly more calories than walking without stopping.

Take Breaks, Burn More

According to research published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, pausing during your walk leads to higher energy expenditure.

During the study, ten healthy participants were monitored while walking on a treadmill and using a stair climber. They exercised at different intervals, ranging from 10 seconds to four minutes, with researchers measuring their oxygen consumption and overall energy use.

The findings revealed that short walking intervals of 10 to 30 seconds required 60% more oxygen compared to walking the same distance without breaks. So, adding some well-timed stops into your routine can give your metabolism a boost!

Why Does Stopping Help?

Francesco Luciano, the study's lead author from the University of Milan, compared the body’s energy use to a car. “When we walk for shorter bouts, we use more energy and consume more oxygen to cover the same distance. It’s like a car that burns more fuel during the first few kilometres than it does once it’s warmed up.”

Essentially, each time you restart after a break, your body has to "warm up" again, which burns more energy. This means that even if you're covering the same distance, you'll burn more calories by taking breaks rather than walking at a continuous pace.

Related: The Top Motivators For Exercising!

Bonus Health Benefits

Here’s a bonus: even a small amount of physical activity each day can have a massive impact on your health. Research shows that exercising for as little as four minutes per day can lower your cancer risk, while just two minutes of moderate exertion can reduce your risk of death by 18%.

So, the next time you're out for a stroll, don't be afraid to stop and start—you might just be doing your body a big favour.

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