Out Of Date Wedding Traditions, Should Some Go?
YouGov.com polled people who've been married and asked if we should keep doing these ten traditional wedding things.
Here's what they said . . .
1. The bride's family should pay for it? That's one of the top traditions people want to STOP following. 43% say ditch it. Only 25% say keep it. Everyone else isn't sure.
2. Not seeing each other until the ceremony? 28% think it's dumb now.
3. The bride should wear white? 24% think it's outdated.
4. Exchanging rings? Only 5% of Americans say ditch that one.
5. The bride's father giving her away? Only 14% say cut it.
6. The bride and groom's first dance? Most people still like that one. Only 6% said no.
7. Tossing the bouquet? 11% are sick of it.
8. The garter toss? 26% don't want to see it at weddings anymore.
9. Throwing rice or birdseed? 31% say stop.
10. The bride promising to cherish and "OBEY" her husband? 50% don't want to hear that line anymore. But only 38% of men agree, compared to 61% of women.
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