People are Looking For A Partner That Has The Same Environmental Values…

According to new research, it takes less than 20 minutes for the average person to know if they want a second date.
The survey of 2,000 single adults (who are dating and/or looking for a partner) revealed the average respondent knows whether or not they’d like to see someone again at the 19-minute mark of their first date.
Older respondents have higher standards for a potential partner — 67% of Gen Zers said they have high standards, while 77% of Gen X said the same.
Gen X was born between 1965 and 1980…Gen Z was born between 1996/97 and 2019!
When it comes to the first date itself, physical appearance is important to 44% of respondents, but a greater value is placed on manners, personality and conversational skills.
Results found that while conversational skills are valued, the specific topics of conversation can be a red flag.
Results found 53% would be turned off if someone brought up sex on a first date, with younger respondents more likely to agree.
Religion and exes were also revealed to be taboo topics for a first date, with about half the panel finding them to be a red flag.
The Environment is hot right now!
Seventy-four percent of respondents are more likely to go on a first date with someone if they’re thought to be sustainable. And 44% have discussed environmental issues while on a first date.
The survey found 82% think it’s important to have a sustainable partner, and 76% find being environmentally friendly an attractive trait in a partner.
Seventy-two percent of respondents believe when couples have a shared commitment to sustainability, they’re more likely to have a successful relationship.
- Clinginess — 43%
- Overuse of social media — 42%
- Poor hygiene — 42%
- Lack of/differing sense of humour — 41%
- Being too obsessed with their pet — 40%
- Poor manners — 38%
- Not liking a specific food — 35%
- Being too talkative — 31%
- Being too messy — 25%
- Never washing the dishes — 18%
- Never cooking meals — 14%
- Not being reliable — 14%
- Being too competitive — 13%
- Being too negative — 13%
- Lied about something — 13%
- Rude to waitstaff — 13%
- My pet didn’t like them — 12%
- Bad sex — 12%
- They didn’t care about being sustainable — 11%
- Not willing to change — 11%
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