People Will Need To Buy Over 100 Drinks From Their Local Bar To Make Up For Pandemic Losses
A financial firm figured out how many drinks people will have to drink or buy to make up for the lockdown.
When lockdown restrictions ease in Ontario, hopefully by July, many bars and restaurants will be celebrating the ability to reopen.
The reality is that these businesses have been shut down for months and need to make up for lost time and revenues.
According to the findings of a financial firm, pubs in the United Kingdom will have to sell about 124 pints of beer per person to recover the costs of the lockdown, The Takeout reports.
This number is based on the amount of money the food and beverage industry lost compared to the average cost of a pint. According to their research, the industry needs to recover over $36 billion.
Now, if you don’t drink, you can still help. It would take each person buying about 976 bags of chips to cover the losses.
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