The Average Person's Work Life Balance Is 55% Work And Just 45% Pleasure

A study finds that only three in 10 are satisfied with the current balance, with the ideal considered to be 43% work and 57% ’life’.
The study, commissioned by Novotel, found the typical working day lasts seven hours and 39 minutes, but an average of three hours and 55 minutes overtime is worked each week.
More than half admit to sending or reading emails outside of their contracted hours, while others catch up on work they didn’t get to during the day and admin tasks.
It also emerged more than half work during the commute, which typically lasts 35 minutes, with 54 percent claiming they then feel organized for the day ahead.
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The average time to ‘wind down’ at the end of the working day was found to be 6:22 pm, although a fifth claim work is always on their mind.
More than a third of people would like to have more ‘me time’ in general and want to make this a priority for this year!
However, just 26 percent feel they prioritize ‘me time’ over their job. To wind down, most people watch TV, go for a walk or run and or go shopping.
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