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Is Caring For Your Pet More Stressful Than Being A Parent? 

Pets vs. Parenthood
Published October 17, 2023

Recent research sheds light on the responsibility of owning a pet, revealing that the stress associated with pet care might surpass that of managing romantic relationships or even parenting.

According to OnePoll survey of 2,000 pet owners, 42% of pet owners admitted feeling more stressed about their ability to care for their furry companions than nurturing their romantic relationships or even raising their children. The only things people seem to find more stressful are finances and their jobs. 

This revelation poses an interesting question: why does caring for pets cause such intense emotions?

It's All About Empathy

According to the same study, a significant reason for this stress is the deep empathy owners feel for their pets. 

A remarkable 51% of pet parents believe their animals also experience stress. As a result, many look for ways to ease their pet’s stress through calming activities. The remedies range from spending more time outdoors (47%) to pet therapists (43%), emphasizing the vital role of social interactions in a pet’s well-being. Other solutions include connecting with other pets (46%), massages (37%), and spending more time with them ourselves (44%). 

The survey also delved into the concerns pet owners have about their animal companions. 

An overwhelming 68% of pet parents expressed that witnessing their pet age and suffer would be more hurtful than losing a job (61%), a partner (61%), or even an expensive possession (62%). This statistic underlines the profound emotional investment we have for our pets, emphasizing the importance of their well-being. 

In fact, 65% of owners think about their pet aging as much as they think about getting older themselves. 

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Creating More Memories

Amanda Howland, co-founder and CCO of ElleVet Sciences, stresses the significance of supporting pets through all stages of life so you can create more memories together. 

“As your pet gets older, it’s important to be proactive in identifying the signs of aging, such as difficulty moving, trouble sleeping, and social isolation. It’s all about more time and more quality time with your pet, and for them aging and stress are intertwined so taking care of discomfort related aging and cognitive decline can reduce their stress significantly,” she explains. 

The study not only highlights the emotional intricacies of pet ownership but also underscores the evolving nature of the relationship between humans and animals. 

Amanda add, “Just like us, pets’ needs can change as they age, so their daily routines, diet, and exercise may need to be adjusted to improve their quality of life, as well as adding high quality supplements. Small adjustments can ensure your pet’s golden years are less stressful for both themselves and their human companion.”

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