Shia LaBeouf Tattooed His Entire Chest for A Movie Role

For his role in the upcoming movie The Tax Collector, LaBeouf actually, got his entire chest and stomach tattooed.
This isn’t the first time he has truly committed to a role. He actually had one of his teeth pulled for the 2014 film Fury.
Shia LaBeouf's 'creeper' tattoos are the real deal for his new movie
— Page Six (@PageSix) July 5, 2020
Director David Ayer spoke with Slashfilm about LaBeouf's commitment to his work saying, "He’s the most committed to body and soul.”
LaBeouf's tattoos were spotted as early as April 2019 and were acquired during the film's production. The Tax Collector is expected to hit theatres on August 7, 2020.
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