Staying Up Late May Be Harmful To Your Brain

There’s a saying that “nothing good happens after midnight.” Now, researchers from Mass General Research Institute say there may be scientific evidence to back that claim up!
The research team found that the human brain is not meant to be awake after midnight!
Also, they say staying up late only leads to more impulsive behaviour and high-risk decisions, such as drinking, overeating, gambling, or criminal activity.
The team also found that staying up past midnight changes how we feel about things. Staying up late causes people to view the world more negatively, than we do during the daytime.
The results could have important implications for countless people who have to stay awake in the middle of the night — including police officers, pilots, and health care workers. Study authors add that understanding how the brain changes after midnight could even lead to new strategies to combat crime, curb substance abuse, and prevent suicides.
The Brain Gets A Bit Risky After Midnight!
Previous studies have found that people are more likely to engage in harmful behaviours during the night. Statistically, incidents of suicide, drug use, and violent crime are all more common at night. At the same time, people are also more likely to make unhealthy food choices after dark, including chowing down on more processed foods, fats, and carbohydrates.
The study also notes that we view things in a positive light mostly in the morning hours. The positive effect is at its lowest levels during the night hours when we should be sleeping-but we’re not!
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