Supermarket Sins: Are You Guilty of These Bad Habits?

We’ve all heard of the "Shopping Trolley Theory" that went viral in 2020.
The idea was simple: whether or not you return a shopping cart to its bay when no one’s watching is the ultimate test of being a decent human being. Flash forward five years, and we’ve got a new litmus test for supermarket etiquette – and let’s say, some of us are failing miserably.
Supermarket employees have taken to the internet (as they should) to sound off on shoppers who are less than considerate. And honestly, their complaints are hard to argue with. So, let’s break down some of the most common bad habits and see if you’re guilty of any of them.
The Misplaced Grocery Bandit
Ever picked up an item only to later decide, “Nah, I don’t need this,” and then casually abandon it in the nearest aisle?
Turns out, this is one of the biggest pet peeves of supermarket employees. Sure, leaving a pack of Oreos in the toilet paper section might not seem like a big deal, but here’s the kicker: 1.3 billion tonnes of perfectly edible food are wasted globally every year, often because items like fresh meat or dairy are left to spoil in random aisles.
And let’s be real, leaving a package of steak in the tampon aisle is equal parts lazy and awkward. Who’s cleaning that up? Not you.
Related: Grocery Stores Trick Us Into Spending More
The Self-Important Shopper
One Redditor didn’t mince words, calling this type of behaviour the mark of a "self-important, lazy d**k." Ouch. But hey, if the shoe fits…
Putting items back where you found them isn’t just about tidiness – it’s about respect for the staff who already have enough on their plates.
The Test of Character
So, what’s the verdict? Do you return misplaced items to their rightful spots, or sneakily stash them somewhere and hope nobody notices? The choice is yours, but remember, someone’s watching – even if it’s just your guilty conscience.
At the end of the day, supermarkets are shared spaces, and a little extra effort can go a long way in making everyone’s experience a bit better. Let’s ditch the bad habits and keep our grocery game strong, shall we?
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