The ‘2 Beers and A Puppy’ Test

Take the test! It may surprise you!

This is a thought exercise that the author of the 2015 book ‘Works Well With Others’ came up with and it could be your answer to figuring out who is worthy of being in your life.

In the book, the author explains; pick a person in your life- a friend, a coworker, your cousin, whoever- and ask yourself two questions!

  1. Would I want to have two beers with this person?
  2. Would I trust them to look after my puppy over a weekend?

    Your answers are guaranteed to be revealing. It might even lead to you seeing a relationship differently.

    Hopefully, the test will reveal that you’re surrounded by lots of people who you’d like to have an aimless hour-long conversation with and who you’d trust to take care of something you care about.