The Kind of Doughnut You’re Most Likely To Eat Says A Lot About Your Personality!

You are what you eat!

According to a U.K. psychologist, when it comes to sweet food, whether we see it as an occasional treat or an everyday must, our personality traits are reflected not just in the taste of the food, but also the appearance, the smell and that first bite melt-in-the-mouth moment.

Here’s what your Favourite Doughnut Says About You!

Classic Glazed means you’re a traditionalist, a homebody who prefers to stay in over going out…

Chocolate donuts mean you’re sociable. You’re always seeking out happiness and fun activities with others…

Custard-filled means you’re a little more guarded or reserved, but you’ve got a kind heart-kinder than another personality type.

Sprinkle donuts or Tim Bits, you are the most playful of all, even in adulthood!  Besides being young at heart, sprinkle-lovers are also generous with their spirit, time, and money.

The most popular choice of the thousands surveyed was a classic, jam-filled doughnut, with 51% of users calling it their favourite. Next up was custard-filled (35%) and chocolate (22%).

What your doughnut choice says about you, according to a psychiatrist

Classic glazed

You are a traditionalist. You know what you like in life and have an ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ attitude. A little cautious by nature, you are also modest and self-disciplined. You rank highly on the empathy scale, as you can always see life from someone else’s perspective. You’re sincere and authentic, preferring more often than not to relax in your own company than at a social occasion, as you enjoy your personal space. And you’re a patient and loyal person, always ready to listen to other people’s concerns.


You recognize that life is too short, and everyone should enjoy an indulgence. So, to combine two of your favourite things, chocolate and a doughnut is bliss. You are always up for a party and will have a wide circle of friends who know that you’re fun to be around.

Jam filled

While you might live in the present, you have a lot of fond memories of childhood and growing up. You’re logical and reliable and people always know where they stand with you. You may be the organizer in your social circle, as you have great balance in life and have a knack for being able to please most people, most of the time.

Custard filled

You can be quite a passionate, sometimes fiery person on the outside, but you are very kind and warm-hearted. You are a sociable person, who is always cheerful, even when life doesn’t go your way – you’re friendly, trustworthy and empathetic.


A child at heart, you are adventurous, innovative and a lot of fun to be around. You’re a generous person – both in spirit and in sharing money and experiences with others – as well as being confident and charismatic. Open-minded, you are a person who can improve anyone’s mood in a very short space of time.