If you’re thinking of adding a fur baby to your family, consider doing some research on the breed beforehand. A veterinarian listed the five neediest dog breeds to have. Of course, all pets require attention and lots of love, but these five come with a few more vet visits, insurance claims, and medical predispositions.
Here they are, ranked:
1. French Bulldog: They tend to have neck, knee, and back problems, and heart issues. Since they have a flat snout, they usually have breathing problems. They also require special grooming products or food to keep their skin in good condition.
2. Chihuahua: They’re sassy and confident. They also are prone to heart and eye diseases.
3. Labrador Retriever: They have endless energy and get into things. They are prone to issues with their paws and knee joints.
4. Great Dane: They require a lot of food, and are prone to cancers and heart disease. They also need their nails trimmed regularly.
5. Dachshund: Some have a “Napoleon complex“, meaning they’re aggressive to compensate for their small size. They also require exercise to avoid being overweight and are prone to Intervertebral Disc Disease.
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