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The Surprising Sign That Could Reveal a Female Psychopath

We all may be a little nuts once in a while!
Published September 9, 2024

A surprising new study published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour has revealed an unexpected clue that may signal psychopathic tendencies in women — a lack of makeup.

Researchers from the University of São Paulo surveyed 1,410 Brazilian women about their cosmetic habits across various social settings, including at home, on a first date, during a business meeting, and even at the gym. The participants were then asked to complete personality surveys measuring “Dark Triad” traits — narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.

The Link Between Makeup and Personality

Interestingly, the study found that women who frequently wore makeup scored high on the narcissism scale. This makes sense, as narcissists often care deeply about their appearance and how they’re perceived by others. However, when it came to women who ranked high on the psychopathy scale, the opposite was true. These women were less likely to wear makeup, regardless of their social situation.

This revelation might seem unexpected at first, but it aligns with what we know about psychopathy. Psychopaths are typically indifferent to societal expectations and the opinions of others, which may explain why they skip the makeup routine.

Other Fascinating Findings

The study also found that women who regularly wore makeup were perceived to be more agreeable in social settings. On the flip side, this research supports earlier findings that highlighted another trait of female psychopaths — they tend to move their heads more when talking, according to a separate study from the University of New Mexico.

While these signs alone certainly don’t define someone’s entire personality, they offer an intriguing glimpse into how subtle behaviours might hint at deeper psychological traits. So, the next time you notice a woman not bothering with makeup or moving her head a bit more than usual, you may just wonder what’s behind it all!

RELATED: Female Psychopaths Are More Common Than You Might Think!

This study shows how even small habits like wearing makeup can offer clues into someone’s personality, reminding us how much there is to learn about human behaviour. What do you think? Could makeup be the key to unlocking someone’s true nature? Let us know in the comments!

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