What’s your favourite condiment, and where does it rank regarding health? Someone asked nutritionists to name the best and worst condiments for our health. Here are the top three for each . . .
The healthiest: Mustard, salsa, and straight vinegar. Vinegar might be #1 because it’s good for your gut and adds much flavour without adding salt, sugar, or fat. Mustard also has very little sugar, but it’s salty. Salsa can be salty too, but it has a ton of vegetables.
The least healthy: Mayonnaise, ketchup, and barbecue sauce. Mayo is the worst because of all the saturated fat. Ketchup and barbecue sauce are next because they’re usually loaded with sugar.

Related question: Is salsa a “condiment”? Reddit has thoughts. Best answer: “It depends on how you apply it. With chips, it’s a dip. On eggs, it’s a condiment. In a burrito, it’s a sauce.”
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