The Top Baby Names That New Parents Have Searched Up!

Choose wisely!

‘Baby name experts’ have released a list of the top Google searches for ‘Can I name my baby … [blank]?

Studies have shown that between 11 and 30 percent of parents regret the name they choose. 

While this could be for several different reasons, it indicates that a baby named that seemed like a good idea at the time, might not have been further down the line,” according to Mirror.

  1. Apple . . .Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin did it.
  2. Amen.
  3. Baby
  4. Batman
  5. Cinderella
  6. Doctor
  7. Disney.
  8. Eleven . . . “Stranger Things”-inspired?
  9. God
  10. Google.
  11. Heaven.
  12. Jesus.
  13. John Doe / Jane Doe
  14. Khaleesi
  15. Lucifer.
  16. Love.
  17. Nirvana.
  18. Shrek.
  19. Saint
  20. Zero . . . It’s been used as a boy’s name of Arabic origin meaning “void.”