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The World's Biggest Eaters: Who Consumes the Most Calories?

Canadian still eat a lot!
Published July 11, 2023

Ever wondered which country holds the title for the world's biggest eaters?

You might be surprised to learn that it's not the land of supersized meals and bottomless fries, but rather a Middle Eastern gem—Bahrain!

According to research by Oxford University scientists at OurWorldInData, Bahrain tops the charts with an astonishing average daily calorie intake of 4,012 per person.

That's more than double the recommended daily intake for women suggested by the NHS!

In second place is the United States, where the average American consumes 3,868 calories daily. It seems the culture of "supersize" portions has left a significant mark, though not enough to clinch the top spot.

The top 10 list of calorie consumers is predominantly occupied by European countries, with Ireland (3,851 calories) securing third place, followed closely by Belgium, Turkey, Austria, Germany, and Italy.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the Central African Republic ranks lowest, with its citizens averaging just 1,642 calories a day. This stark difference underscores the impact of geopolitical challenges on food consumption and availability in various regions.

Canada lands at number 13 on the list, with an average intake of 3,569 calories per person daily. Canadian cuisine, known for its hearty dishes and multicultural influences, contributes to this significant calorie consumption.

Understanding the Data

The research compiled data from United Nations statistics, focusing on the total food purchased per household on average across each country.

This approach provides a comprehensive view of national eating habits and dietary trends.

What Does This Mean?

While these figures highlight national averages, individual eating habits can vary widely within each country. Factors such as cultural traditions, economic prosperity, and food availability all play crucial roles in shaping dietary patterns.

Whether you're in Bahrain indulging in Middle Eastern delights or in Canada enjoying poutine and maple syrup, understanding global eating trends sheds light on how different cultures approach food.

These insights not only fuel culinary curiosity but also offer a glimpse into the diverse ways people nourish themselves around the world.

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