There Are A Lot Of People Who Have Never Ordered From An Ice Cream Truck!

17% of people say they’ve never ordered a cold treat from an ice cream truck, says a new poll.
The poll also found that parents are going to let their kids have lots of ice cream from the truck this year!
Almost half of the parents are big fans of ice cream trucks and say it’s an important part of summertime.
The survey also suggests that people eat more ice cream in the summer (45%) than during any other season.
One in five adults grew up buying treats from the ice cream trucks.
Almost have of adults say they don’t think they can handle the stuff ice cream trucks are now selling.
More adults than not prefer to purchase their ice cream from a shop or supermarket because there are more options.
But ice cream still is the favourite dessert among adults today.
Most Popular Places To Find An Ice Cream Truck
Neighbourhood block - 42%
At the park - 41%
At the beach - 39%
On the sidewalk - 37%
At the local pool - 36%
At a sporting event - 36%
At a party or barbecue - 35%
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