Things People Miss About Their Commute The Most! asked 2,000 people what they DIDN'T miss while working from home . . . and the top answer was small talk.
One in three people were happy they didn't have to be chatty at work. 31% liked that they didn't have to look presentable . . . and 27% didn't miss battling TRAFFIC every day.
58% of people DID miss some aspects of their commute, though. And the top thing people missed about it was SINGING ALONG to the radio.
Over half said they really missed listening to the RADIO or podcasts. And 55% specifically missed singing along to the radio.
53% also missed catching up on the news during their drive. And 52% craved having that time to themselves in the car.
Two-thirds said that getting back to normal is the #1 thing they're excited about right now. 31% even said they're excited they have to dress up again.
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