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Things People Secretly Hate About Their Friends

Like any relationship, friendships have their ups and downs…
Published November 8, 2023

No matter how much you love your bestie, you’re bound to do things that drive each other crazy now and then — nobody’s perfect after all.

According to a therapist, these are the things that we hate about our bestie…

Political Opinions or Conspiracy Theories…

Politics and current affairs can be polarizing issues, particularly at present, with so much media input. However, discussing differing political opinions with friends respectfully and sensitively is essential for maintaining a healthy and constructive relationship.

Lack of reciprocity…

‘A friendship where one person constantly feels they are putting more into the relationship, whether emotionally or in terms of effort, can lead to feelings of resentment and being undervalued.’


Flakiness is the worst! Friends who are known for last-minute cancellations, failing to keep promises or general unpredictability erode the foundation of trust which is crucial in any relationship.

Communication Styles…

Communication is key, which is why having different habits in this regard can cause trouble in platonic and romantic relationships alike.  The best start is to initiate an open and candid conversation with your friend about your different communication methods.

Not Listening to Advice…

A common problem friendships face is when one person relies a lot on the other for emotional support but doesn’t listen to their advice.  This dynamic can create a sense of being in a constant rescue role for one friend, while the other may feel like a helpless victim, which can be emotionally draining for both.

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