Things We Pretend To Know About!
On, people were asked to name things they have to PRETEND to know about so they don't look stupid.
And 62% admitted they do it with at least one topic.
Here are the top things we wish we didn't have to do it with…
1. Car repairs, like when you're talking to a mechanic. Just under half of us have pretended to know more about cars than we really do. And 38% of people who've been CAUGHT pretending said they doubled down and wouldn't admit it.
2. Home improvement stuff. 47% of us wish we knew more.
3. Conversations about the latest gadgets or new tech, 39%.
4. Tax knowledge, 38%.
5. Parenting, 37%.
6. Cooking, 37%.
7. Politics, 24%.
8. Fitness and nutrition, 17%.
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