This Is The Day That Most People Want To Go To Therapy!

Therapy is a good cure for a midweek slump, says new research!

In a new poll of adults who have either attended or currently attend therapy, almost 80% say they prefer to go midweek rather than on a weekend. A quarter of people prefer a session on a Wednesday with most wanting to talk it out in the AM.


Also, eight in 10 people say that they would benefit from being able to message their therapist whenever they needed.

The poll also asked respondents to describe the goals they set for 2022. People’s main goals are learning a new hobby, trying to get a promotion at work, all while working on their mental wellness. Most respondents are aiming to reduce their anxiety.


Eighty-five percent of those surveyed acknowledged that their family and friends have varying degrees of impact on their overall health and happiness. The poll also asked how much time people spend working on their overall mental health. 


The average person spends about four hours per week maintaining their physical and mental state, which equates to about 347 hours, or 15 days total per year. Even so, one in 10 don’t dedicate any time per week to their mental and physical health.


Related: Lady Gaga Creates Free Mental Health Course In Partnership with Canadian Mental Health…



  • Drinking water – 37%
  • Exercising – 37%
  • Resting – 37%
  • Eating a balanced diet – 35%
  • Engaging in hobbies – 32%
  • Positive self-talk – 32%

