This Profession Are More Likely To Cheat On Their Partner!

Nurses are more likely to cheat on their partners than athletes, DJs and musicians.

This is according to a survey by dating app Ashley Madison, infamously known or those looking to have affairs. Just over 1,000 users were invited to respond and these were the results:

1) Female doctors and nurses

The field of medicine emerged as the leading profession for unfaithful women. About 23% of women worked as nurses or doctors and engaged in extramarital affairs due to the stress of the job and the long hours spent at work.

2) Handymen

A majority of men (29%) who were unfaithful were handymen, offering various services. Jobs included plumbing, mechanical work and electrical work. The survey indicated that these men often work erratic hours and schedules which provide them with discreet opportunities to have secret relationships.

3) Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship was a common profession among men and women. One explanation in the survey was that self-starters prefer to do things on their terms and in their way – including controlling their sex life the way they do their business.

4) Teachers

Mostly female teachers (12%) have extramarital affairs. Men are less likely to cheat as they appear to be under less strain and stress in the classroom.

5) IT

While stereotypically characterized as being shy and in the background, the tech industry has more cheaters than one would think. The survey revealed that 12% of men and 8% of women in IT cheat.

6) Women in Finance

About 9% of women in finance, bankers, analysts and brokers said they were having an affair. One of the reasons revealed in the survey was that working with assets and wealth is seen as having power.

7) Hospitality and retail

According to the survey, the ratio between genders is almost equal – men 8% and women 9%. This is due to the long hours and opportunities for discretion.

8) Entertainers

While there have been several reports of famous people in the entertainment industry involved in adultery, they are not as inclined to cheat as other professions. Only 4% of female and 3% of male celebrities in the entertainment industry say they have had an affair.