Thousand Dollar Minute: Monday, March 25th

How did you do this morning?

  1. True or false an Owl can turn its head 360 degrees?

False (owls can rotate their necks a maximum of 270 degrees)

  1. In baseball what does a full count mean?

3 balls and 2 strikes

  1. A bicycle that two people can ride at the same time is called a what?

Tandem Bicycle or Twin

  1. What does the idiom Seeing eye to eye mean?

Two people agreeing

  1. This Looney Tunes is known for his popular catch phrase “suffering succotash.”


  1. If I can buy 4 apples for $3.50 and received $6 in change when I paid with a $20. How many apples did I buy?


  1. This northern Canadian body of water borders 3 provinces and 1 territory?

The Hudson Bay

  1. The social media platform formerly know as Twitter is now referred to as what?


  1. A Windsor, Simple and a half Windsor are all types of what?

Necktie Notts

  1. What date is Good Friday this year?

March 29th