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Today is Ash Wednesday!

The 40-day period of religious observance allows Christians to prepare for Easter Sunday
Published March 2, 2022

Lent is celebrated by Christians all over the world starting on Ash Wednesday, which this year is March 2, 2022.


It is a season of reflection and preparation leading up to Easter Sunday, which is celebrated this year on Sunday, April 17, 2022.


Believers typically fast or give up certain food or activities for 40 days in commemoration of the 40 days that Jesus Christ fasted in the desert.


As the Bible describes, during this period of 40 days, Jesus was tempted by Satan before his public ministry began.


Cross of ashes

The season of Lent is observed in different ways by those who belong to different denominations.


On Ash Wednesday — the beginning of Lent — Roman Catholic, Anglican and other churches hold services in which churchgoers are marked with a cross of ashes as a symbol of death and sorrow for sin.


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The Lenten season either ends on the evening of Maundy Thursday or Holy Saturday, during Holy Week.


The term Lent comes from an old English word meaning "lengthen." It's observed in the spring as the days begin to get longer.


It's looking like however you celebrate, this year we will be able to celebrate with family!

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