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Weird Pandemic Moments 

Did we all really need that much TP?
Published April 24, 2023

Weirdest Things That Happened At The Start Of The Pandemic, And I Honestly Forgot A Lot Of These Things…

For the most part, I think it’s safe to say we all want to forget about the pandemic… The upside, many people don’t remember 2021! Looking back at the situation now, some of the things we did were laughable!

Here are weird moments that happened during year 1…

Any type of “party of Zoom”

Drive-by birthday parties and grads…

When a bunch of celebrities sang a Joh Lennon song thinking it’d inspire people or some shit…

Being terrified to sneeze or cough in public, or to have others do it in your general direction…

Hoarding Toilet Paper! 

Waiting in a lineup outside of a grocery store, standing on a sticker to stay properly distanced from one another…

Tiger King on Netflix

How the wildlife started to walk through your neighbourhood because humans were locked inside their homes…

Those circles that were drawn on the grass in parks and you had to stay inside them…

The weirdest part, in my opinion, was learning to recognize people by the top half of their face, then having to re-learn to recognize them by the rest of their face when mask requirements were loosened.

The photo of the priest baptizing a baby from a distance with a water pistol. Pure absurdity.”

Pretty much every commercial kept reminding us we were living in unprecedented times for a few months

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