12 days of Christmas cost, Bob and Doug McKenzie, Christmas Songs, SCTV, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Bob and Doug McKenzie's 12 Days Of Christmas!
I'm rounding the cost to make it easier to do the math, LOL!
Day 1: A Beer
Single bottles of beer at a local bar will run around $5 for domestic.
2 Turtlenecks
A standard turtle neck from Cabela's in $15.00...$30
3 French Toast
A six pack of frozen French Toast runs $4.50=$13.50
4 pounds of Back Bacon
Canadian back bacon hit an all time high of close to 10 bucks a pack at Zehrs, so this is a little pricy. $40
5 Golden Toques
Believe it or not, Golden Toques are going to be about $7 at Canadian Tire...$35
6 Packs of Two-Four
Two-Four is slang for a case of beer, so a case of Molson Canadian will run you about $44 at The Beer Store...That's $264...
7 Packs of Smokes
The average in Ontario for a pack of cigarettes is $12.26, so seven would be $85.82.
8 Comic Books
A comic book costs about $4 at most comic book stores, that's $32 for 8 comics...
12 Donuts
At this point, the McKenzie Brothers are too drunk to go on, but they do reference donuts, and someone does suggest that 12 donuts would be good for day 12, or maybe day 11 or 10. At any rate, a dozen donuts from Tim Hortons is $9. If they bought 12 dozen donutes at $9 each that equals $108...
So if you add up all of Bob abd Dougs items it will cost you approximately$613.32!
WHAT WOULD DAY 9, 10 and 11 Bring My True Love?
9 Snowblowers- $900 each
10 Hockey jerseys-$120 Each
11 Bottles of Crown Royal -$30 Each
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