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What’s a Bad Habit You’re Not Willing to Change?

We are guilty of some of these!
Published October 11, 2024

We all have that one bad habit we just can’t quit, no matter how many times we say, “Okay, tomorrow, I’ll stop.”

But let's be real—some habits are just too comforting, fun, or downright relatable to give up. Whether it’s grabbing fast food right before bed (hello, Taco Bell!) or endlessly scrolling through TikTok, there are certain things we do that we know aren’t great for us, but we’re not willing to change.

In a recent social media thread, people shared their bad habits that they refuse to quit, and honestly, some of them are so relatable. Here are the highlights:

Related: 8 Bad Habits That You Need To Break Unless You Want To Age Faster

1. Refusing to delete old emails
Is your inbox filled with 10,000 unread messages? For some, managing emails is just not a priority.

2. Procrastinating
We’ve all been there—putting things off until the last possible second. But hey, some people thrive under pressure!

3. Staying up too late scrolling through memes and cute cats
It’s hard to put down the phone when the internet is a treasure trove of endless entertainment.

4. Social media addiction
Who hasn’t wasted hours going down a rabbit hole of social media posts?

5. Ignoring text messages
Leaving people on ‘read’ is a habit that’s hard to shake.

6. Taking four-hour naps
And then wondering why you can’t sleep at night…

7. Hitting snooze five times every morning
The struggle to get out of bed is very real.

8. Picking your nose and biting your nails
These might be gross, but some people just can’t help it!

9. Chewing on fingers or biting the inside of the mouth
Nervous habits can be hard to control.

10. Sucking their thumb (yes, as an adult!)
One 36-year-old confessed they still do this as a self-soothing method.

11. Wasting too much time gaming
Who can resist the pull of a good video game?

12. Gambling, vaping, or chewing tobacco
For some, these habits are a part of life they’re not ready to change.

13. Twirling their moustache when deep in thought
A quirky habit, but hey, it works for them!

14. Consuming too much sugar, sweets, caffeine, pizza, and energy drinks
Whether it’s sugar cravings or coffee binges, some people just can’t give up their favourite indulgences.

We all have our vices, and while some bad habits might raise an eyebrow or two, sometimes, they’re just part of what makes us human. So, what’s your bad habit you’re not willing to change? Let us know in the comments!

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