When Life Starts to Feel "Real"

For many, the magic number when life starts to feel real is 27. According to recent research, this is the age when life, money, and the future begin to solidify.
The study surveyed 2,000 adults from different generations and revealed a surprising truth: adulthood doesn’t kick in at 18 anymore.
What It Means to Be an Adult Today
In today’s world, being an adult is less about age and more about responsibilities. For the majority of those surveyed, adulthood is defined as paying your bills.
But it's not just about handling finances. Many also believe that being financially independent and prioritizing responsibilities over personal life or having fun are key markers of stepping into adult life.
Other moments that stand out as milestones of adulthood include moving out of your parent’s home and landing your first real job—especially if it’s in your chosen field. These experiences tend to make people feel like they've officially entered adulthood.
Financial Stability: A Moving Target
Interestingly, despite hitting these "adult" milestones, nearly 39% of respondents admitted they aren’t financially stable. And while most adults hope to achieve financial security by the time they’re 46, a whopping 41% don’t believe they’ll ever get there.
Adulting Isn’t Easy
One thing’s for sure—42% of people said being an adult is harder than they thought it would be. Between juggling work, life responsibilities, and financial obligations, the transition into adulthood isn’t as seamless as we might expect.
In the end, adulthood is a journey, and for many, that journey starts at 27. So if you’re feeling the pressure of life, finances, and the future, know that you're not alone!
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