Why You Should Never Sleep In On The Weekend

Who knew that sleeping in can have a detrimental effect on your sleep regime?
“Catching up (on sleep) at weekends often only perpetuates poor sleep cycles and can lead to insomnia, say, sleep, experts.
When we sleep in, it’s difficult for our brains to understand when to make us feel sleepy, as it feels you have had ‘extra’ sleep even if you went to bed later and didn’t have any extra sleep.
It’s also important to consider what position you lay in when you prepare to go to sleep.
While sleeping on your side is “generally considered the healthiest sleeping position”, the pros suggest sleeping on your stomach. This position can lead to multiple issues such as strained muscles and joints, stiffness, back and neck pain.”
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While it can often be difficult to transition away from a sleeping position, you can prevent pain and protect your back by placing a pillow under your hips.
You should prepare for bed by adapting your routine accordingly – reducing screen time around one to two hours before you hit the sack.
Lots of people are working from home so they’ve lost the structure of having a daily commute and this can mean it’s more tempting to stay up a later and sleep in a bit more.
Experts also suggest limiting your caffeine intake before bed.
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