Watch where you step?

One in five people consider themselves to be “unlucky,” according to a new poll.  And it’s not for no reason.

The average person will experience 543 unlucky events this year.  That’s just over 10 a week.  But one in 10 think Leap Years are luckier than normal years.  (???)  So maybe you’ll have a few less than that in 2024?

People were asked to name the unluckiest things that can happen to you on any given day.  Here are the Top 10 . . .

1.  Losing something.  (Is that really “bad luck,” or were you not paying attention?)

2.  Stepping in dog poop.

3.  Spilling on yourself.

4.  When you hit every red light.

5.  A flat tire.

6.  A car drives by and splashes you with water.

7.  Losing a competition or contest.  It’s like a lottery ticket that doesn’t hit.

8.  Tripping or falling in public.

9.  You try to order something at a restaurant, but they’re out of it.

10.  Getting caught in the rain with no umbrella.

One more random stat:  Three in four people have been pooped on by a bird, which is supposed to be GOOD luck, and 37% of us would welcome it again.