Your Laugh Gives Away A Secret Romance In Seconds!

Good to know...

Sure, laughter is the best medicine — except for when you’re trying to keep a budding romance on the down low.

According to a new study, your laugh changes depending on your romantic interest in someone and it’s obvious.

Researchers found obvious differences in tone could have your secret love — or covert office booty call — exposed in a matter of seconds.

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In a romantic flirtation, people tend to feel more vulnerable, resulting in more forced laughter or giggle fits.

And the study likewise correctly predicted that emotions during the vulnerable stage of early romantic love, due to its tenuous, rollercoaster nature, would leak out through laughter, making laughter with romantic partners sound more submissive and tense.

The study findings also revealed that romantic laughter is more feminine-sounding, more baby-like, more submissive, and less pleasant-sounding than laughter directed at friends.