$1000 Minute Friday, September 8th

Who won the first NFL game of the season yesterday? Answer: Kansas City Chiefs   […]

Who won the first NFL game of the season yesterday?
Answer: Kansas City Chiefs


How many points is a touchdown worth?
Answer: 6


What brand has the slogan “Easy Breezy Beautiful”?
Answer: Cover girl



True or False: October 9th falls on a Monday this year?
Answer: True


Noah has 48 cookies and would like to give all of them away. If he gives 6 of his friends an equal amount of cookies, how many cookies will each of his friends have?
Answer: 8

Spell Guitar backwards
Answer: R-A-T-I-U-G


The Chihuahua is a breed of dog believed to originate from what country?
Answer: Mexico


What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s dog?
Answer: Pluto


What does BMW stand for?
Answer: Bavarian Motor Works


True or false, the official currency of the country, Ecuador is the US Dollar.
Answer: True