1 In 8 People Are Terrified of Beloved Character, E.T.

E.T. Go Home!

If you’re scared of E.T. then rest assured, you’re not alone!

According to a new survey, many have long harboured a fear they don’t all feel comfortable sharing; that E.T.,  the ‘cute’ extraterrestrial gracing our screens in 1982, is quite fear-inducing.

And while one in eight (13%) finds the far-from-home alien to be ‘very’ scary a further 36% share the sentiment but only deem the being ‘somewhat’ scary. 

The fear of E.T. prevalence emerged in a survey exploring all things aliens…

The survey found that (41%) of respondents said they felt no fear towards Steven Spielberg’s creation, while (11%) had not seen the movie and could not say either way.

Interestingly, men are nearly twice as likely to find E.T. scary (17%) compared to women (9%).

Forty-one percent of those polled disagree with the notion that extraterrestrial life may be walking and talking among us, with the remainder unsure (22%).


  • Very scary – 13%
  • Somewhat scary – 36%
  • Not very scary – 23%
  • Not scary at all – 18%
  • Haven’t seen the movie/can’t say – 11%