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New Reality Show Is Coming To Help You Die

Amy Poehler is set to produce this morbid show in partnership with NBC’s streaming platform Peacock.
Published April 8, 2022

It will be an unscripted series that will follow people’s lives as they prepare for death.


According to the Hollywood Reporter, the show is called “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning,” and will feature a “Swedish Death Cleaner.”


The meaning of “Swedish Death Cleaning” and while it sounds morbid, you don’t have to be dying to do it. The Swedes, who perform the process regularly, find it helps them live better. 


Nevertheless, the real reason to “death clean” is to help your relatives, who don’t want to spend their lives sorting through your stuff when you’re gone. Death cleaning is not about dusting or mopping up; it is about a permanent form of organization that makes your everyday life run more smoothly.


So now that we know that this is, it doesn’t sound so bad!


The show will feature a “Swedish Death Cleaner” who will help people who “are at a major crossroads organize and demystify their homes, lives, and relationships” thereby “allowing us to prepare for death while we enjoy life.” 


The series will be narrated by Poehler and produced by her production company, Paper Kite Productions, Universal Television Alternative Studio and Scout Productions- which gave us “Queer Eye.”  The show is based on the 2018 best-selling book of the same name. 


In this series, viewers will be taken on an honest and emotional journey as they watch everyday people conquer their worst fears and discover who they are on the inside.


The announcement comes as Canada prepares to become one of the few countries in the world allowing medical aid in dying, or MAID, for people whose sole underlying condition is mental illness.


Related: We're Spending The Equivalent of 10 Entire Days A Year Cleaning...


How to Do Swedish Death Cleaning

  1. Let Your Loved Ones Know. ...
  2. Start With Less Personal Items. ...
  3. Gift Possessions Away Gradually. ...
  4. Keep Mementos for Yourself. ...
  5. Donate and Sell the Rest. ...
  6. Make a List of Important Documents and Passwords. ...
  7. Declutter Regularly.
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