Where We Hide Out The Most When We Need Some Privacy!

Alone time will be almost impossible over the holidays!

New research suggests that half of the people hide out in the bathroom when they want some much-needed peace and quiet!

And the more people there are living in the house, the more frequently it happens – so much that parents in cohabiting relationships are three times as likely to seek refuge in the bathroom than childless, single respondents.

Not surprisingly, children ages 3 to 12 stood out as the loudest members of the household – twice as loud as teenagers and three times as loud as adults.

The Poll also suggests that the average respondent needs between four and five hours of private time per day to feel their best. (Who actually gets that amount of time to themselves?)

Seventy-seven percent still need that private time even when they’re hosting family or friends in their house, and almost 81% said it’s important that they create quiet or private spaces within their own homes.

However, 63% claimed that sound travels relatively easily through their home – enough that half frequently hear noises in other parts of the house when on a phone or video call.

Commonly cited sources of noise included TVs and sound systems, appliances, and other members of the household.


  1. TVs, sound systems, etc. – 70%
  2. Noisy appliances (i.e. washing machines) – 64%
  3. My household members / People I live with – 63%
  4. Pets – 62%
  5. Musical instruments – 57%
  6. The house itself (i.e. floorboards creaking) – 33%