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New Study Finds That Promiscuous Singles Are Screwing Their Odds of A Happy Marriage

Less experience leads to more satisfaction!
Published April 27, 2023

New research from Brigham Young University in Utah has concluded that too much premarital sex could impact your future relationship.

Experts in family studies at BYU’s Wheatley Institute have shown that 10% to 20% of married adults who have only had sex with one person – their spouse – reported having a happier and higher quality union than those who had many sexual partners before getting hitched.

They found furthermore that those who had had only one sexual partner were almost three times as likely to declare that divorce is not on their mind and twice as likely to report that they were “very satisfied” with their marriage.

So basically, if your number is low or non-existent before marriage, that union is more likely to last.

(Because you don’t know what you’re missing???)

On the flip side, just one in ten people who have five to nine people before their marriage could say that they are “very stable and satisfied in that marriage.”

Nearly 80% of those who have had sex only with their partner reported greater emotional closeness in their relationship, which is over 20% higher than people who had multiple sexual partners before they got married.

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