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What Your Coffee Order Says About You!

Which personality are you?
Published April 4, 2022
Which personality are you?

Next to water, the most popular drink in the world is coffee.  Did you know that you can tell a lot about a person by what they order at a coffee shop?  A human behavioural expert named Darren Stanton laid it out for


Related: Drinking Three Cups of Coffee A Day Could Add Years To Your Life...


Here’s the deal!


Black Coffee: You are single-minded.

Latte: You are a middle of the road kinda person! You’re not adventurous or a risk-taker!


Iced Coffee: You go against the grain. You potentially work for yourself and play by your own rules.

Espresso: You’re adventurous and powerful! (And not just Italian) You know what you want and are not afraid to ask for it!

Cappuccino: You are slightly more adventurous than latte drinkers, as they’re looking for a bit more and could be considered more fun.

Mocha: It’s the prettiest of all coffees and most photographed. You are likely to be very extroverted, outgoing, flamboyant, and potentially quite loud. They're the life and soul of the party.


Tea:  You are fairly level-headed. Grounded and the sort of people you go to for advice in a situation, their demeanour suggests they are stable and constant with plenty of routines.


Pumpkin Spice: You are very interesting. These guys love a fad and they love showing off - particularly on Instagram. From a behavioural point of view, this stems from a need to be liked and accepted.


Learn more!

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