Someone conducted a poll online, asking people what they think of 21 “controversial food opinions.”
But they probably didn’t go extreme enough, because after amassing around 20,000 votes, more than 50% of people agreed with half of them, and all of them found acceptance with at least 1 in 4 people.
Here are these “controversial” takes, from the LEAST divisive to the MOST controversial:
1. You can do breakfast-for-dinner AND dinner-for-breakfast . . . 88% agree.
2. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are delicious if you prepare them correctly . . . 82% agree.
3. I’d rather have a greasy, fast-food smash burger than a fancy, high-quality, bistro burger . . . 75% agree. (It seems like people get annoyed with burgers they can’t fit in their mouth.)
4. Shredded iceberg lettuce is delicious on a sandwich . . . 75% agree.
5. There’s a time and a place for processed cheese . . . 73% agree.
6. Pickles are hands down one of the best foods ever invented . . . 72% agree.
7. Creamy foods (like potato salad, chicken salad, macaroni salad, and deviled eggs) are heaven-sent . . . 71% agree.
8. Cheez-Its are great, but Extra Toasty Cheez-Its are heinous . . . 67% agree.
9. Always choose cookies over cake . . . 65% agree.
10. Runny eggs (fried, poached, over-easy) are the best eggs . . . 63% agree.
11. Sweet potato fries are trash 99% of the time . . . 61% agree.
12. Sour candy is deeply overrated . . . 48% agree.
13. Dipping French fries in mayo is awesome . . . 48% agree.
14. All bottled salad dressings kind of suck . . . 43% agree.
15. Cool Ranch Doritos are the worst Dorito flavour. . . 40% agree.
16. Tofu is amazing . . . 38% agree.
17. Banana Runts are the BEST Runts . . . 37% agree.
18. Always choose tea over coffee . . . 37% agree.
19. Heath Bars are the best chocolate bars . . . 37% agree.
20. TUMS are tastier than most hard candies . . . 30% agree. (???)
21. Circus Peanuts are a delicious candy . . . 26% agree.
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