Doing This With Your Spouse Can Make You Live and Love Longer Says New Study

So, according to a new study, if your romantic relationship is on the rocks — drinking together could prolong the partnership, and might even make you live longer.
The study found that couples who drink together and who have similar drinking habits are more likely to live longer and have a healthier relationship.
The purpose of this study was to look at alcohol use in couples in the [university’s] Health and Retirement Study and the implications for mortality,” she said in a U-M press release.
The recent study looked at 4,566 married, different-sex couples who were all over the age of 50.
The researcher warned people that her study findings shouldn’t be read as a recommendation to drink more: Sometimes what is helpful for relationships isn’t necessarily good for health. However, it’s important to note that couples impact each other’s physical well-being…
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