Ice Cream In The Summer Makes Us Feel Like Kids Again!

More than half of adults long to feel like a kid again — so much so, that they do many of the same summer activities they used to in childhood, new research suggests.
A survey of 2,000 U.S. adults for National Ice Cream Month in July found that what people miss most from summertime as a child is playing outside, family vacations and eating lots of ice cream.
The poll revealed ice cream is still a crucial part of people’s summers, as 39% continue to eat it — including 53% of respondents ages 77 and older.
Spending long days by the pool and riding bikes were also among the summer activities people carried with them into adulthood.
Gen Zers were more likely to bring on the water balloon fights than other age groups, while millennials opted for backyard or outdoor games.
Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of "I Love Ice Cream Cakes", the survey discovered the average person feels like a kid again four times a week in summer, with 54% agreeing summer is the most nostalgic time of year.
Overall, the average person said eating ice cream takes them back to their 10-year-old selves. And eating ice cream makes people feel happy, satisfied and relaxed.
Weirdest Ice Cream Toppings
- Avocado
- Onions
- Chocolate and chicken
- Coffee grounds
- Garlic powder
- Bacon bits
- Ketchup and mayonnaise
- Squid ink in Japan
- Beets
- Green beans
Favourite Ways To Eat Ice Cream
- Ice cream cake (39%)
- Ice cream cone (37%)
- Milkshake (36%)
- Cup (36%)
- Banana split (35%)
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