If You Do This While Driving, You Might Be A Psychopath

Scientists say you may have PSU

Texting behind the wheel may put you in the “dark triad” of personality traits.

New research has found that people who commonly text and drive are concerningly associated with psychopathic behaviour.

The new data — from interviews with nearly 1,000 German drivers, about 73% of them women found a shocking 600-plus participants, or about 61%, admitted to “problematic” use of their devices while driving.

Along with connections to fear of missing out and anti-social behaviour, problematic smartphone users (PSU) evoked three negative traits known as the “dark triad” — narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy…

Researchers say that PSU should be targeted in public safety interventions, driving training and court-mandated medical-psychological assessment of driver fitness.