If You Want A New Relationship To Work, You Should Wait Until Date 5 Before Doing This!

If you want your relationship to work wait until date five before sleeping together, according to new research.
Becoming an official boyfriend or girlfriend should come in after around two months of dating, but couples need to wait five months before revealing their past partners or talking about incomes.
And if you want the relationship to work, don't introduce a partner to your parents until at least 4 months in, according to the timeline.
A new survey looked at a timeline for when events should occur for the perfect relationship based on their experiences.
When feeling brave, Americans think it's ok to dole out criticism on how a partner dresses after just two months and nine days on average, according to results.
The Average Relationship Timeline:
5 dates before sex
5 weeks: okay to talk about politics & religion
6 weeks & 5 days: reveal views on abortion
8 weeks until the boyfriend/girlfriend title
2 months: disclose past criminal record
2 months & 3 days: before bringing up an ex-partner
2 months & 10 days: okay to criticize style, outfit or hair
2 months & 17 days: okay to criticize family
2 months & 19 days: introduce a partner to friends
3 months & 1 day: criticize their finances
3.5 months before talking about children
3 months & 24 days: okay to wear unattractive underwear
4 months: Introduce partner to family
4 months: comfortable enough to shave in front of them
4 months & 8 days: comfortable with not locking the bathroom door
5 months: okay to ask questions about income
5 months & 21 days: comfortable enough to pass gas
5.7 months: okay ask about credit score
23 months: before engagement should be considered
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