June 3rd is International Egg Day!

Happy National Egg Day to all the egg lovers out there! Not only are they delish but are good for you!
A recent poll found our favourite way to eat them is scrambled. We also love them fried and hard-boiled!
Eggs poached and soft-boiled are still enjoyed but a little less popular. Less than 10% of people (Dale Smith) never eat eggs.
Here are a few more stats for National Egg Day . . .
1. How do you crack an egg, on the edge of a bowl or a flat surface? Of the people who answered, 63% said edge, 26% said flat surface and 11% said “some other way,” like with a knife. (Or on your kid’s forehead thanks to that TikTok trend) The flat surface is almost twice as popular with young people. It’s supposed to be better for keeping pieces of the shell out.
2. White eggs or brown eggs? 67% usually buy white, 20% said brown, and 13% said it varies or they don’t buy eggs. There’s no real difference between white and brown. White ones generally come from hens with white feathers, and brown eggs from brown feathers. I buy whichever is cheaper!
3. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 10,000 people were polled: 44% said chicken, 32% said egg and 24% still can’t decide.
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