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Kim Kardashian Apologizes For Comment To Women ‘Get your A** Up and Work’

She's walking back her comments
Published March 29, 2022
She's walking back her comments

Earlier this month, Kim K was quoted in Variety's article telling women to “get your F-ing ass up and work.”


The comment drew a lot of backlashes online and was even a joke at Sunday night’s Oscars.  Kim is now apologizing for her remark in a new interview with Good Morning America during a primetime special set to air on April 6th.


Related: Kim Kardashian Faces Backlash for 'Tone Deaf' Business Advice for Women...


She told GMA co-anchor Robin Roberts, “Well, that statement that I said was without questions and conversation around it.” Kim explained, “It became a sound bite with no context. And that sound bite came off the question right before, which was after 20 years of being in the business you’re famous for being famous. And my whole tone and attitude changed with the previous question that went into that question about what advice would you give to women.”


Kardashian then clarified what she wanted to say…“The advice that I would give is just that having a social media presence and being on a reality show does not mean overnight success,” she said. “And you have to work hard to get there, even if it might seem like it’s easy and that you can build a successful business off of social media. And you can, if you put in a lot of really hard work.”


In the Variety profile, Kardashian said that it “seems like nobody wants to work these days,” which prompted her sister Kourtney to add, “That’s so true. For women entering the business world, they have to surround themselves with people that want to work. Have a good work environment where everyone loves what they do because you have one life. No toxic work environments and show up and do the work.”



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