Laundromat Dates Are The Latest Trend For Gen Z

‘Genius’ way to save money

Dirty shirts, dirty socks and dirty undies.

Rather than a bouquet of roses or the flickering flame of a candle, a sack of unclean clothes is often the centrepiece of a rendezvous…

For about $50 bucks, you and your lover can catch up with one another, laugh, talk, people-watch and enjoy a latte!

Many couples are said to be ditching the hotspots for some cozy quality time around a community washer and dryer…

Now, Gen Z lovebirds are too flocking to laundromats for inexpensive evenings out.

The price of knocking out a load of laundry typically ranges between $3 to $12 per machine, whereas intimate nights on the town can cost over $300…