Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year is 'Rizz"

Rizz has been named Word of the Year by the Oxford University Press!
The word Rizz is internet slang for romantic appeal or charm and is mostly used by Gen Z…
The term is thought to be a shortened form of the word “charisma”.
It's essentially a newer version of "game", defined as skill, prowess, and the ability to attract others sexually by using one's charm.
It was one of eight words on a shortlist, all chosen to reflect the mood, ethos or preoccupations of 2023.
The list was narrowed down in a public vote before Oxford lexicographers made the final decision.
Other contenders ranged from Swiftie to Beige Flag to Situationship.
What do the shortlisted words mean?
- Beige flag (n.): a character trait that indicates that a partner or potential partner is boring or lacks originality; (also) a trait or habit, esp. of a partner or potential partner, viewed as extremely characteristic, but not distinctly good or bad [draft definition]
- Situationship (n.): a romantic or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established.
- Parasocial (adj.): designating a relationship characterized by the one-sided, unreciprocated sense of intimacy felt by a viewer, fan, or follower for a well-known or prominent figure (typically a media celebrity), in which the follower or fan comes to feel (falsely) that they know the celebrity as a friend.
- Heat dome (n.): a persistent high-pressure weather system over a particular geographic area, which traps a mass of hot air below it [draft definition]
- Swiftie (n.): an enthusiastic fan of the singer Taylor Swift [draft definition]
- Prompt (n.): an instruction given to an artificial intelligence program, algorithm, etc., which determines or influences the content it generates [draft definition]
- De-influencing (n.): the practice of discouraging people from buying particular products, or of encouraging people to reduce their consumption of material goods, esp. via social media [draft definition]
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