People Are Littering More Than Ever at Provincial Parks

Parks staff shouldn't have to clean up after us

Littering is a growing problem at Ontario Provincial Park beach locations.

The beach basics should be common knowledge but Ontario Parks has been forced to release a reminder.

1. Put all trash into designated receptacles, and please take larger items home

Littering is on the rise. In many parks, trash is being left on the beach faster than our staff can clean it up.

We know you can do better, Ontario.

Our staff recently came across this mess on a park beach…

Practice “leave no trace,” and do not leave anything on the beach. This includes:

  • broken toys, tents, and beach chairs
  • food wrappers and containers
  • cigarette butts
  • diapers (they do not decompose, even when thrown in bushes)

If you don’t appreciate people leaving garbage in your backyard, don’t leave it here!

Ontario Parks were forced to have a late start to opening for the camping season. Once reservations were permitted, the demand was huge and Parks filled up fast.

The unusually late start has also resulted in less park wardens and staff than usual at some Provincial Parks.