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Want More Action? Science Says Men Should Do This One Thing…

Guys, here’s a simple tip: if you’re looking to up your game, it’s time to focus on your voice.
Published October 4, 2024

Just like how certain physical features can elevate someone’s attractiveness, a deep, sexy voice can work wonders for men.

Ever noticed how the person with a commanding voice in the room tends to grab everyone’s attention? That’s because a strong, low voice creates a sense of authority and confidence, and let’s be real—that’s incredibly appealing.

Related: Introducing Men’s Day: A Midweek Celebration of Doing Absolutely Nothing!

Why a Deep Voice is So Attractive

Research backs this up. A recent study revealed that men with low, resonant voices are perceived as more attractive, masculine, and dominant.

It turns out that a deep voice doesn’t just sound powerful; it sends out strong evolutionary signals. Women are often biologically wired to be drawn to deeper voices because they’re linked to higher levels of testosterone, which, on a subconscious level, suggests good genetics and overall fitness.

Simply put, if a guy’s voice is deep, we’re more likely to feel safe and secure around him, and—let’s be honest—it can make him seem a whole lot sexier.

Time to Channel Your Inner Morgan Freeman

So, fellas, next time you’re leaving a voice note or chatting on the phone, try dropping your voice a notch. Channel your inner Morgan Freeman and see how it feels to let that rich, deep tone flow. You might be surprised at the impact it can have.

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