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What is Sunset Anxiety? Here’s How to Cope When the End of the Day Feels Overwhelming

Have you experienced Sunset anxiety?
Published October 21, 2024

Sunsets can be stunning, but for some, watching the sun dip below the horizon brings on feelings of anxiety, panic, or emptiness.

Known as "sunset anxiety," this phenomenon, while not an official diagnosis, resonates with many who feel uneasy as day turns to night.

On platforms like Reddit, hundreds of people have opened up about their experiences, sharing how they struggle with a growing sense of dread as evening approaches. For those already living with anxiety disorders, these feelings can be even more intense.

What Causes Sunset Anxiety?

A 2022 study found that people prone to worrying often experience high anxiety levels that persist throughout the day. Meanwhile, night owls, also known as "evening chronotypes," tend to feel their anxiety peak later in the day, making sunset particularly unsettling.

According to Calm Clinic, several factors can contribute to sunset anxiety. These include:

  • Post-work stress: The build-up of tension from a busy day can be hard to shake.
  • Lack of distractions: Once the day's tasks are done, anxiety can intensify when there’s nothing to occupy your mind.
  • Sleep-related worries: The pressure of needing to sleep or worrying about how well you’ll sleep can add to evening anxiety.
  • Productivity guilt: Feeling like you haven’t accomplished enough during the day can lead to a sense of regret and panic as the day comes to a close.

Related: 3 In 10 People Have “Menu Anxiety”

How to Manage Sunset Anxiety

If you find yourself overwhelmed by these feelings, there are ways to manage them. Calm Clinic recommends:

  1. Stay Busy After Work: Plan enjoyable activities like socializing or exercising. Aerobic exercise, in particular, is known to reduce anxiety levels in the short term.
  2. Set Small Evening Goals: Even if it’s something as simple as finishing a puzzle, setting a goal can help you focus and feel productive in the evening.
  3. Acknowledge Your Anxiety: Instead of trying to suppress or fight anxious feelings, work on understanding them. Sometimes, accepting your anxiety is the first step to easing it.

Whether it's scheduling a workout or finding a creative outlet in the evenings, staying proactive can help you regain control when sunset anxiety strikes.

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