Take The Mental Age Test To Find Out How Old Your Brain Is!

If you’ve ever felt like your age doesn’t quite align with how old you feel inside, you could have a different mental age — and now’s your chance to figure out what it is.
If you’ve ever felt like your age doesn’t quite align with how old you feel inside, you could have a different mental age — and now’s your chance to figure out what it is.
The online test has taken over TIKTOK with the hashtag #mentalagetest!
According to the test’s website, this test originates from Japan, and was first launched in 2013, stating it’s “very reliable.”
It also says the results of the test have nothing to do with how intelligent someone is.
“For the purpose of this test, we define Mental Age as a measure of a person’s psychological abilities in comparison to the number of years it takes for an average child to reach the same level,” it explains.
You can take the test two ways. The first is a series of questions and the second is a drawing test.
Have fun!
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